8/29/2023 11:27:09 AM Divorce capital of the world - but for how long? By Nicola Harries The Law Commission is set to review our 50 year old divorce laws, and particular emphasis is placed in this article on the review of the...
8/22/2023 4:40:41 PM ICO issues draft guidance on biometric data By Guy Cartwright The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has recently published draft guidance on biometric data for public consultation. The...
8/18/2023 9:16:23 AM Encouraging news on child maintenance By Stevens & Bolton LLP For many years now the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) have handled the calculation of child maintenance when parents separate and, if...
8/15/2023 3:11:38 PM Huge increase in penalties for employing illegal workers announced By Grace King The government has announced plans to triple the financial penalties for employing illegal migrants. Currently, first-time offenders...
8/14/2023 1:42:56 PM Increasing late-payment interest charges brings probate delays into sharper focus By Abigail Palmer-Page HMRC's most recent rise in the rate of interest charged on late payment of inheritance tax (IHT), now a punitive 7.75%, focuses attention...
8/10/2023 1:15:47 PM Monetising mimicking music: AI and deepfakes By Jessica Gregson With the increasing popularity of “deepfakes” created by AI and the potential revenues from this new technology stream, it was only a...
8/10/2023 8:41:50 AM A shoe without a (carbon) footprint - toe good to be true? By Georgie Barrow B Corp footwear brand, Allbirds, has reported a net revenue of $70.5m in Q2 2023, up 3.8% from two years previously. Days after the Q2...
8/9/2023 11:22:45 AM All at CE? "Indefinite" delay to UKCA requirements in certain sectors By Gustaf Duhs The UK government has had significant issues with the implementation the UK’s post-Brexit products safety conformity mark, the UKCA mark,...
8/3/2023 5:32:26 PM Insurance resolution regime will give Bank of England new powers to manage the failure of large insurers By Helen Martin Following a consultation earlier this year, the government has announced plans to introduce an insurance resolution regime which will...
8/1/2023 4:33:05 PM It's a 👍 from the Canadian courts for emojis By Teja Pisk A Canadian judge has ruled that a thumbs up emoji can signal contractual acceptance. The case was, unsurprisingly, very fact specific....