2/20/2025 10:39:14 PM Moth-er of all vermin By Deliya Meylanova Judgment was handed down last week in the misrepresentation claim concerning a clothes-moth infestation at a £32.5m West London home,...
1/10/2025 7:10:04 PM Pressures over (in-house) privilege By Deliya Meylanova The job of in-house counsel is a deceptively difficult one. The Post Office Inquiry made public what is normally never revealed – the...
12/5/2024 12:15:53 PM Moth misrepresentation By Deliya Meylanova A wealthy couple, Dr Hunyak and Ms Patarkatsishvili, are trying to get their money back on the purchase of a £32.5m London home in 2019....
8/30/2024 1:45:21 PM Founder's family denied profit share on sale of Valderrama golf course By Deliya Meylanova At the end of July, the Court of Appeal handed down a judgment against Carlos Ortiz-Patino on his appeal from a High Court judgment in...