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| 1 minute read

HR: Are employees entitled to the day off for King Charles III's Coronation?

In two weeks' time, the UK will see another extra bank holiday to mark King Charles III's coronation.  

Many employers will have experience on how to treat additional bank holidays, particularly following the platinum jubilee bank holiday last year. Communication around the working arrangements on bank holidays is key for employee relations. So, by way of reminder: - 

  • An employee does not have an automatic right to time off on a bank holiday, paid or otherwise. Their entitlement will depend on the express terms of their employment contract. In some cases, employers may decide to exercise discretion and, as a gesture of good will, allow employees the additional bank holiday regardless of their contractual entitlement.
  • All employees must be treated the same. If full-time workers are entitled to the additional bank holiday, employers should ensure part-time workers receive the pro-rata equivalent to avoid any discrimination risks. Any employees on family friendly or sick leave should also accrue the additional day's leave, to be taken upon their return.
  • If an employee has a contractual right to the time off but is required to work because of business needs, employers should seek to agree these working arrangements with the individual as soon as possible.
King Charles III’s coronation is set to take place at Westminster Abbey in May. The extra bank holiday for King Charles III’s coronation will fall on Monday, May 8, 2023, two days after the coronation ceremony.


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