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Change is a comin' in the US...

Within just two days the US Supreme Court has handed down two seismic decisions which alters the fabric of US society: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v Bruen (extending the right to carry guns in public); and, the overturning of Roe v Wade (in effect removing the right to abortion). 

What else could be on the US Supreme Court's agenda? Never has it been a more poignant time for those of us advising international clients with a US nexus, to be in touch with our US counterparts. 

Millions of women in the US will lose the constitutional right to abortion, after the Supreme Court overturned its 50-year-old Roe v Wade decision. The judgement paves the way for individual states to ban the procedure. Half are expected to introduce new restrictions or bans. Thirteen have already passed so-called trigger laws to automatically outlaw abortion. President Joe Biden described it as "a tragic error" and urged states to enact laws to allow the procedure. After the Supreme Court ruling, abortion access is expected to be cut off for about 36 million women of reproductive age, according to research from Planned Parenthood, a healthcare organisation that provides abortions.


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