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Charging forward: the government's plan to increase charging points for electric vehicles

My colleagues have taken a detailed look at the Government’s strategy paper on the infrastructure needed for electric vehicles. It’s an encouraging read for those that have followed the uptake of electric vehicles but haven't yet taken the plunge on the basis that "refueling" poses some challenges. There’s a clear agenda for the road ahead, but it has not been without some criticism. Those that have electric vehicles are still let down by poor charging infrastructure and as more and more people switch to EV’s in advance of the 2030 cut-off date for new vehicles, it is unlikely the current charging network will be sufficient to cope.

In a previous article, our real estate experts reported that local authorities already need to implement compulsory charging point requirements for developments of new residential and commercial premises or those undergoing major renovation, and landowners also need to consider specific factors when installing EV charging points. However, to meet the charging needs of drivers of electric cars as demand for them grows, it is likely there will need to be a voluntary uptake of installing charging infrastructure. In the property world, landlords might want to consider providing charging points even if they are not obliged to so that properties are more attractive to potential tenants and maybe even achieve a higher rent. From an employment perspective, it adds to an employer’s ESG credentials if they provide charging points for their staff who are reliant on cars to get to and from work, potentially also adding value to the recruitment/retention of staff.

The government’s target of over 300,000 new charging points looks to increase the number of charging points to almost five times the equivalent number of fuel pumps on the roads today. This appears ambitious, but as others have commented, if the UK is to achieve net zero by 2050, rapid development will be necessary.


automotive, articles