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Technology Licensing - From Meeting Room 7

There's no doubt that the amount of technology licensing happening, and the urgency with which it is being done, has increased significantly during the pandemic. 

One of the issues we regularly  come across with clients is whether it is better to use a non-binding Heads of Terms to record key areas of agreement, or whether to go straight to a formal licence and negotiate at that point. Both have their pros and cons, but the answer often lies in who has the stronger negotiating position.

We cover this, amongst other issues in more detail in our new podcast series Meeting Room 7. Episode 1 - Defining the Deal - is available now, and as well as discussing heads of terms, our IP team also look at the other key issues that arise when negotiating and defining the scope of the licensed technology.

Episode 2 -  Maintaining Control - drops next week, so why not be among the early adopters...


intellectual property, articles