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Companies House fees - up, up, up

The outlook for inflation may be positive, and there is hope on the horizon that interest rates will come down, but Companies House is heading in the opposite direction… pricier. Companies House fees are increasing as of today, 1 May 2024, significantly. Yesterday, it cost £10 to incorporate a new company; today it costs a comparatively whopping £50. Yesterday, it cost £13 to file your confirmation statement electronically; today it costs £34. 

This rise in costs is unsurprising given the increased powers and wide reforms affecting Companies House under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act. This inevitably involves increased Companies House costs, and necessary investment in improved systems, which it will need to recover. However, some might argue that, despite the hefty increases, it’s still better value to head for the UK, as opposed to setting up your Newco in Venezuela, where it will apparently cost you north of £9000.

We review our fees every year to make sure they’re set at the right level.

