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Red cards for Glasgow Rangers, JD Sports and Elite Sports

As reported here, the CMA issued a Statement of Objections in June 2022 against Elite Sports, JD Sports and Rangers FC, provisionally finding that they had breached competition law by fixing the retail prices of Rangers-branded clothing products.

On 27 September 2022, the CMA announced its final decision, with fines imposed totalling over £2m in total. All parties admitted to having infringed competition law, thereby obtaining a settlement discount and Elite Sports and JD Sports also had their fines reduced under the CMA’s Leniency Programme.

The CMA’s parallel investigation into Leicester City FC and JD Sports for suspected infringements in relation to the sale of Leicester City-branded products is still ongoing.

"Today's decision sends a clear message to football clubs and other businesses that illegal anti-competitive collusion will not be tolerated." / Michael Grenfell, CMA Executive Director of Enforcement


competition, sport, retail, articles