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Close contacts of suspected Omicron variant will need to self-isolate, even if fully vaccinated

From today, anyone notified by NHS Test & Trace that they have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus and that person is suspected of, or confirmed as, having an Omicron variant, will need to self-isolate for ten days. This includes close contacts who are fully vaccinated and also applies to children.  

Unfortunately, employers should now prepare for higher numbers of staff who are required to self-isolate and also for related absences. For example, if a child needs to self isolate as a result of a classmate testing positive for the Omicron variant, their parent may need to take leave to care for them. Employers may want to reconsider their business continuity planning in light of the new self-isolation rules and possibly reduce close contact between staff members to limit the risk of large numbers needing to self-isolate. Employers should also review risk assessments and update relevant policies and guidance. 

All contacts of suspected Omicron cases must self-isolate, regardless of their age or vaccination status


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