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The risk of going solo in the family court

The recent case of F v M highlights the importance of seeking legal advice from a family solicitor. 

In this case, the father appealed an order allowing the mother to relocate to Hungary, arguing that the outcome was unjust due to serious procedural irregularities. The father highlighted that the barrister representing the mother had previously had discussions with him about his side of the same case. The father had met the barrister at a charity event and later contacted her to represent him, sending her the court bundle of case papers. However, he received no response. When he later arrived at court without his own legal representation, he realised the same barrister was representing the mother. Although he felt it inappropriate and potentially unfair, he did not pursue the matter further, assuming the court did not share his concerns. 

A solicitor or barrister would have been able to raise this conflict of interest at an early stage to avoid the court’s decision being rendered procedurally irregular. The case will now be reheard in the High Court due to those irregularities, causing further delay and uncertainty for the family. 

This case highlights how complex and nuanced family law can be. In family cases, the stakes are often high and involve sensitive issues, so having a knowledgeable solicitor can make a significant difference. Solicitors are often happy to be consulted on individual aspects of a case, without dealing with the whole case for a client.

At Stevens & Bolton we offer a personalised and tailored service, helping you make informed decisions and avoid potentially costly mistakes and delays. If you require advice in relation to divorce, separation, or child related issues, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our family team. 


family law, articles