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International students' English skills: Are English language tests and UK degrees falling short?

Several UK immigration routes require an applicant to demonstrate a certain level of English language proficiency. Currently, applicants can meet this English language requirement in certain ways, including by passing one of the approved Secure English Language Tests (SELT) or by providing evidence of a degree taught in English.

This recent BBC report indicates that these methods may no longer adequately guarantee that an applicant does have a good grasp of the English language. The BBC’s sources suggest that individuals are able to enrol onto UK university courses without the appropriate level of English, sometimes by employing certain “tricks” to pass the SELTS. 

Once they are enrolled, students struggling with English can use translation apps in classes and complete their coursework assignments using Artificial Intelligence or by paying others to write their work – both of which can reportedly go undetected by anti-plagiarism software. Such students can therefore be awarded their UK degrees without having gained sufficient English language skills before or throughout their studies.

This trend calls into question how fit for purpose both SELTS and UK degrees are for proving an applicant's English language ability. Could this motivate UK Visas & Immigration to review how future applicants evidence they meet the English language requirement?  We’ll have to wait and see…


immigration, articles