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‘Tis the season for school applications: Challenges for separated parents

As the 15 January 2025 deadline for primary school applications approaches, parents across the country are urged to start the conversation about their children's education. The school application process varies by county, adding an extra layer of complexity.

For separated parents, the task can be even more daunting. Differing catchment areas and conflicting opinions on the best environment for their children can complicate the decision-making process. Additionally, considerations such as siblings' school placements and special educational needs must be factored in.

All decisions regarding schooling require the agreement of everyone with parental responsibility. Separated parents must therefore ensure that they involve their co-parent in schooling discussions. If agreement cannot be reached, mediation is recommended as the first step to facilitate dialogue, but should mediation prove unsuccessful, the court can be asked to intervene as a last resort. Early advice is essential. Whilst non-court dispute resolution options such as arbitration can offer a quicker and more private alternative to court proceedings, to obtain an agreement or a binding outcome before the January deadline, it is crucial to take action early.

If you find yourself in need of support, our family team offer preliminary advice in a fixed fee initial meeting. Please do contact us for more information. 


family law, articles