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Back to school, back to reality

September is one of the points in the year when family lawyers often see a rise in the number of people consulting them about the prospect of a divorce. Generally, parents tend to defer addressing these issues until the children have gone back to school and are in their term-time routine. 

Whilst family breakdown is sad and stressful, the legal process is increasingly geared towards the use of lower conflict options.  It is no longer necessary to apportion blame when seeking a divorce. There is also strong encouragement towards using non-court dispute resolution options to resolve any issues regarding the children or money, without the need for a court application.   Court applications are notoriously slow, so these options can achieve a quicker and more cost effective outcome for many couples, whilst also enabling cordial relations to be maintained for the benefit of the children.

If you find yourself in need of such support, our family team offer preliminary advice in a fixed fee initial meeting. We will fully explain your legal position to you whilst also guiding you towards the best option to help you and your partner reach an agreed outcome.


family law, articles