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Love on the rocks: Life after Love Island

Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury, prominent figures from the reality show Love Island, have announced their separation. When parties separate, there are numerous things to consider. How will Molly-Mae and Tommy share their assets? Where will their daughter, Bambi, live and how will she divide her time between her parents? What happens to the cats, Eggy and Bread? 

Many unmarried couples still wrongly assume that they may have financial claims against each other as a result of being “common law spouses”. Unfortunately, that is not the case. As Molly-Mae and Tommy were not married, they cannot make financial claims under the same legislation as married couples. Instead, any disputes about the ownership of their property would be handled under the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (ToLATA). If they have been sensible, advice would have been taken to clearly document ownership at the time of any joint property purchases. Unfortunately, this remains an area that many couples overlook and the resulting legal disputes can be costly.

In respect of arrangements for their daughter, the Children Act 1989 prioritises the child’s best interests, meaning any agreements will consider Bambi's welfare, whilst striving to maintain and support relationships with both parents. Child maintenance may also be payable if Bambi spends more than half her time with one parent. Depending on their personal and financial circumstances, either Tommy or Molly-Mae may also be able to make an application under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989. This allows separated parents to apply for various financial orders for the benefit of their child. Often this is used where one parent needs financial help to house the child for the period whilst they remain a minor.

Whilst news of their separation is still hot off the press, it is likely that both Tommy and Molly-Mae will be taking (or may have already taken) legal advice about the family law issues that arise on separation. If your relationship founders, it is sensible to seek advice as early as possible to properly understand your legal entitlement and position. 

Molly-Mae Hague has announced her split from fiancé Tommy Fury after five years together.


family law, articles