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Will the new government deliver for hospitality?

With Labour's landslide election win, UK hospitality is today calling for the new government to deliver on its manifesto promises to replace the current business rates system in England. The hospitality sector has long campaigned for reform, with hospitality businesses recovering from the pandemic and having also recently faced increased energy, labour and supplies costs on top of their premises overheads.

Whether action within 100 days to deliver the promised new system to “level the playing field between the high street and online giants, better incentivise investment, tackle empty properties and support entrepreneurship” will materialise remains to be seen, as the detail of Labour’s five point plan to revive high streets emerges over the coming weeks and months.

“Swiftly addressing business rates would fulfil a longstanding ask of the sector and avoid a cliff-edge in April, when current relief is set to end and rates are due to increase again.


hospitality, real estate, government policy, articles