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New Energy Performance Regulations widen access to EPC data

The Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 came into force on 24 June 2024 (the Regulations). The aim of the Regulations is to widen access to data on the energy performance of buildings.

When an energy assessor is commissioned to produce an energy performance certificate (EPC), data about the energy performance of the building is collected as part of the preparation of the EPC, and a data file is produced and lodged by the assessor as part of the process of registering the EPC. Up until now access to this data file has not been made available to the person commissioning the EPC, save in specific circumstances, nor to anyone else.

The Regulations allow for energy assessment and EPC data to be shared with property owners, occupiers, landlords and other third parties (with consent from the owner, occupier or landlord) even where that data has not been entered on the EPC Register.

The Regulations also increase the range of data that the Secretary of State can publish online. Building owners and occupiers will, however, still be able to request that data on their buildings is not published.

Whilst the rules which will govern the sharing of energy performance data still need to be agreed and finalised, it is hoped that the wider dissemination and use of this data will go a long way to support progress towards net zero. This should enable property owners to become better informed about the energy efficiency of their properties and in particular where and how improvements can be made. In addition, increased access to this data will assist property owners in developing their existing energy efficiency plans and operations, enabling them to be better positioned for future net zero delivery.


real estate, energy, sustainability and esg, articles