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New year new powers (for Companies House)

Whilst the rest of us are still emerging from the post-Christmas fog, Companies House is marching on with its agenda of reform following the enactment of last year’s Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (ECCTA). Last week, Chief Executive and Registrar of Companies, Louise Smyth, released her blog for the new year in which she announced that a number of the powers afforded to Companies House under the ECCTA will be coming into force from March 2024. In just a few months’ time, things like providing a registered email address and confirming that a company is formed for a lawful purpose will be legal requirements for UK companies. In addition, Companies House will enjoy greater powers to scrutinise and reject inaccurate or inconsistent information submitted to the public register. We will be keeping a close eye on any new regulations published over the coming months and in the meantime have updated our ECCTA Toolkit which you can find here. If you would like to discuss the ECCTA and how we can support its impact on your business, please reach out to me or your usual Stevens & Bolton contact.

A new year and a new challenge for Companies House


corporate, eccta, articles