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Mediation success; even in the most intractable of disputes

Little escapes the attention of the media, particularly if it involves famous faces and a bitter legal dispute. Much has been written about Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas' alleged “brutal” divorce since the news of their separation broke earlier last month. In a surprise announcement this week they have now confirmed that they have reached an agreement on all matters using mediation.

Mediation is a well established forum for separating couples and has many benefits, particularly where there will be ongoing interactions because the couple share children. It is also flexible and cost effective and, perhaps importantly for this couple, takes place behind closed doors without the same publicity or media intrusion of a court based dispute. As a mediator I find it very encouraging that this high profile couple have chosen this path and also been vocal about its success.

It is unclear whether the traditional mediation model or hybrid model was used. Hybrid mediation often suits more difficult separations and enables each party to involve their solicitor to provide support as part of the mediation itself.

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas agree custody arrangement after legal dispute


family law, articles