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| 1 minute read

The UK immigration minefield – is it time that you had an update?

The UK immigration system has become notoriously complex and expensive. Many employers who currently sponsor employees will no doubt be familiar with the administrative burden linked to the UK visa system and significant costs associated with sponsoring individuals to work in the UK, especially where they also have dependants.

Following the end of free movement, many businesses have also had to use the sponsorship system to employ European nationals and many employers are navigating the sponsorship regime for the first time.

With the last few years having been dominated by the serious effects of the pandemic, businesses could be forgiven for having had their focus elsewhere. However, as the Home Office now continues to ramp up sponsor compliance visits, it is critical for existing and new sponsors to be fully aware of their sponsorship duties and obligations. A common pitfall is in relation to right to work checks and there have been some key recent changes that employers should be aware of. There have also been some reforms aimed at simplifying the application process and reducing the administrative burden for employers and applicants.

Join us on Tuesday 31 January for our New Year immigration round-up for businesses. It will be a bumper session covering the above and more. This will be useful for employers who hire non-UK nationals or who may need to do so in the future. We will provide practical tips and cover some of the key immigration issues to consider. 

Find out more and register here.

employer who hires non-UK nationals or who may need to do so in the future.


immigration, articles