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| 1 minute read

Family Court backlog reaches new high

The most recent figures from HMCTS have revealed a backlog of 110,000 family law cases in the court system. A recent article in the Law Society Gazette has highlighted that early pragmatic advice from a family law specialist can facilitate the early resolution of disputes which in turn reduces the pressure faced by the courts. 

The impact of delay on families navigating a separation cannot be underestimated, it places financial and emotional strain on all involved, including children. Those considering divorce or separation should think carefully before initiating court proceedings. Sometimes it is the only option, but it should be a last resort where the  family law sphere has expanded to facilitate a broad spectrum of options to families outside of the court arena. Adopting an out of court approach has been proven to resolve disputes faster, more cost effectively and with less long-term acrimony. 

Resolution, the organisation for family lawyers, endorses an out of court approach and this week through its "Good Divorce" campaign is raising awareness of the crisis in the court system and the many other options available.

At Stevens & Bolton we have a specialist team of family lawyers who are trained in and regularly adopt a number of different out of court options. This may be mediation, collaborative practice, early neutral evaluations, round table meetings or arbitration. If you require advice please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can best assist you and and your family. 

‘Contrary to what many people may think, getting lawyers involved at an early stage and giving their clients clear advice about what is likely to happen is very likely to see cases sort themselves out rather than fight,’


family law, dispute resolution, articles