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Fixed recoverable costs rules for claims up to £100,000 delayed until October 2023

The government has recently announced that the introduction of new rules extending fixed recoverable costs to all fast track cases (claims between £10,000 and £25,000) and most cases between £25,000 and £100,000 has been delayed from April 2023 to October 2023, so that the rules can be redrafted and to allow the legal sector more time to prepare for them. Our previous article Fixed recoverable costs - what the new rules mean for parties in dispute for claims worth £100,000 or less explains what to expect from the new regime.  

The Ministry of Justice has confirmed that fixed recoverable costs will not be extended until October next year. In a speech to the Civil Justice Council national forum today, Lord Bellamy said the government wanted to give the legal sector more time to adjust to the new regime. The plan had been to extend fixed costs from April but it has proved logistically difficult to redraft the rules in time.

