Given the eye watering wealth of these families it isn't hard to understand why this step has been taken. But are such documents worth considering if you do not have millions in the bank? The answer is absolutely.
Whilst viewed as unromantic by some they do ensure that everyone's cards are on the table from the outset and, should the marriage not endure, provide certainty of outcome. This can in turn give couples greater confidence to enter into a marriage or civil partnership. The resolution of the financial aspects is therefore mapped out avoiding what can be difficult and elongated discussions about how the finances are to be dealt with.
Nuptial agreements can be entered into before a marriage (pre-nuptial) or during a marriage (post-nuptial). Pre-owned assets, inherited wealth or children from prior relationship(s) are some of the reasons why a nuptial agreement should be considered. The family team at Stevens & Bolton LLP would be happy to consider with you if such an agreement would be beneficial.