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The OTS - what does the future hold for tax simplification?

I'm very pleased to have been personally invited to comment on the Office of Tax Simplification's current review. Given the sheer volume of the UK's tax statute and guidance, tax simplification has to lie at the heart of ensuring taxpayers understand their obligations and know where they stand. With an ever-increasing raft of legislation brought in each year and a myriad of separate exemptions, it is almost impossible for taxpayers to keep up to date without detailed advice from experts. Creating a simpler system would bring clarity across the board and make the UK an attractive hub for investors and businesses. The government's efforts to understand the difficulties and its drive to seek input from practitioners should be applauded as a step in the right direction!

The recent 2021 HM Treasury 5-yearly review of the OTS recommended that the OTS “undertake a project to articulate its approach to and interpretation of ‘tax simplification’, including clarifying its aims as an organisation, and the success measures for assessing its progress.” The Chancellor and the Financial Secretary to the Treasury have asked that the OTS carry out this work as a formal review, focusing on conclusions that can inform how the Government should prioritise simplification efforts and how the OTS should prioritise its work over the next five years.


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