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Mandatory PCR testing for all UK arrivals from Tuesday 30 November

From tomorrow morning, all those entering the UK (apart from those coming from Ireland) will need to take a pre-booked PCR test within 48 hours of arrival.

These measures follow hot on the heels of the additions to the UK's travel red list last week.  There are now 10 African countries on the red list, including South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.   Only UK or Irish nationals or UK residents are now able to enter from these countries.  Those individuals now have to self-isolate in a government-approved hotel for 10 days and pay the associated fees for this.

These changes are an important reminder for anyone with travel plans to check the current rules as these can change at very short notice.

From 04:00 GMT on Tuesday 30 November, if you are entering the UK from a foreign country (apart from Ireland), you have two days to take a PCR test - a lateral flow test will no longer be accepted. The PCR test must be booked before you travel, and bought privately from a government-approved list of providers. While you are waiting for a result, you must self-isolate - whether or not you have been vaccinated. You can stop self-isolating if your test is negative.


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