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| 1 minute read

A greener way to do business for SMEs

The eyes of the world are on Glasgow for the next two weeks, as COP 26 takes centre stage and nations and global leaders grapple with the challenges presented by the climate emergency.

Although the media focus is often on big business, there is a real opportunity for SME businesses to play their part in making a difference.  Green credentials are no longer just a "nice to have" but can deliver real value in terms of reputation, winning new business and appealing to investors.  Plus a clear strategy for ESG can deliver tangible benefits: measuring your company's impact on the environment can lead to energy cost savings and a more sustainable long term business plan.    

Commercial contracts can help in embedding the ESG commitment in company operations.  The Chancery Lane Project has developed a toolkit of climate and net zero aligned clauses for use in procurement and supply chains.  There are "green company articles" offering an underlying green framework as part of the company's constitution, along with a board paper for building net zero objectives and targets into corporate strategy and for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of a company’s progress against its net zero targets.  

ESG is not a flash in the pan, and wherever your company might be on its ESG journey, the good news is that there is an ever-growing raft of resources to help.  


The initiative, called the Chancery Lane Project, has developed contract terms that encourage suppliers to adopt environmental targets to reduce a company’s indirect carbon emissions. It also offers “coolerplate” generic clauses to make it easier for lawyers to embed climate issues and net-zero targets into a contract.


entrepreneurs, sustainability and esg, articles